The Power of Unconditional Mom’s Love
In this mini-guide you will learn how small acts of love can make a big difference:
- How to change the atmosphere in your home (no more “screaming language”)
- Get calmer and more pleasant kids
- What science has to say about unconditional Love
- Free printables and cheat sheets
- Many tools that will help you to raise a loved Child (and a loving mom)
- And much, much more
Back to basic parenting!
One of our basic human needs is love.
We need to feel loved and belongs.
When we do not receive this love,
We find ways to request it.
Sometimes this way is not just saying “love me”
But in some behaviors that are not always good for us.
We will do things that we don’t always want to do
in order to feel loved
We will please others
in order to feel loved
We will dress and look different than we want to,
in order to feel loved
We learn that there are conditions to feel loved,
Love doesn’t just come unconditionally.
With our children it’s exactly the same.
Sometimes we are sure we love our children
and do not see we put in place stipulations for our love:
good grades, helping at home, not fighting with their siblings. etc.
But as soon as we are offended or disappointed by our children
we let the anger and frustration take control of us.
That teaches the child it is not he who is loved,
only his actions are loved,
and only when he is successful.
And what happens if he fails?
And we all fail from time to time.
The child feels like his parents’ love is conditional.
It makes him feel anxiety
and puts him under a lot of pressure.
He fears that he will fail in his activities
and will lose his parents’ love.
It’s no wonder our children are willing to look foolish, act violently, become sick
all in an attempt to feel loved.
We can change this.
In this mini-guide you will learn how small acts of love can make a big difference:
- How to change the atmosphere in your home (no more “screaming language”)
- Get calmer and more pleasant kids
- What science has to say about unconditional Love
- Free printables and cheat sheets
- Many tools that will help you to raise a loved Child (and a loving mom)
- And much, much more
You will learn new tools, new skills,
Toolbox for a more successful life,
More peaceful,
More empowering.
You just have to choose it.
Take the first step to be the mom you want to be!
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